Cloud-based vulnerability management vs traditional vulnerability management

May 25, 2022

Cloud-based vulnerability management vs traditional vulnerability management

When it comes to vulnerability management, there are two options: cloud-based and traditional. Both methods come with their respective advantages and disadvantages. In this blog post, we'll provide a factual, unbiased comparison between the two.

Traditional vulnerability management

Traditional vulnerability management involves conducting scans and assessments of a company's infrastructure and applications to identify and prioritize vulnerabilities. The process typically involves the deployment of an on-premise solution or a standalone scanner. Some of the key advantages of traditional vulnerability management include:

  • Greater control over how scans are conducted, when they are conducted, and what is scanned.
  • The ability to customize scans and reports to meet the specific needs of the organization.
  • Complete autonomy over the security of the data being scanned.

However, traditional vulnerability management does have its drawbacks. Some of the most notable drawbacks include:

  • The need for dedicated hardware, which can be expensive and time-consuming to maintain.
  • Scans can take longer to conduct, which can leave systems vulnerable for longer periods of time.
  • Vulnerability management is often a point-in-time exercise, meaning vulnerabilities can go undetected in between scans.

Cloud-based vulnerability management

Cloud-based vulnerability management involves conducting scans and assessments of a company's infrastructure and applications using a software-as-a-service (SaaS) solution. Some of the key advantages of cloud-based vulnerability management include:

  • No need for dedicated hardware, making it more cost-effective and less time-consuming to maintain.
  • Scans can be conducted more frequently, reducing the time that systems are left vulnerable.
  • Continuous monitoring ensures that vulnerabilities are not missed between scans.

However, there are also some drawbacks to cloud-based vulnerability management, such as:

  • Less control over the scanning process since it is managed by the vendor.
  • Dependence on the reliability and security of the cloud provider.
  • Possibility of data breaches due to the transfer of sensitive data to the cloud.

A comparison

Here is a side-by-side comparison of the two vulnerability management methods:

Cloud-based vulnerability management Traditional vulnerability management
Frequent scans Less frequent scans
Continuous monitoring Point-in-time monitoring
No dedicated hardware Dedicated hardware needed
Vendor manages scanning process Complete control over scanning process
Possible dependence on cloud provider Autonomy over security of data
Risk of data breaches due to transfer of data to the cloud No risk of data breaches due to data transfer.


Both cloud-based and traditional vulnerability management have their respective advantages and disadvantages. Ultimately, the choice between the two will depend on the specific needs and requirements of each organization.

It is essential to choose a solution that adequately assesses the risks and threats to your cybersecurity. Ultimately, a data breach can be catastrophic, and choosing inefficient solutions can cost you more than you expected.


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